The RS1000 Target Retrieval System provides reliable product performance while maintaining simple and easy operations.
It is designed for range owners that are cost-conscious and want a system that provides the best solution at the best value.
Product Overview
The RS1000 Target Retrieval System is ideal for shooters of all levels of experience. Anyone can operate it without the need for extensive training since moving the target is as easy as operating a light switch. Target movement and position is controlled by a manually operated bi-directional toggle switch. The user simply engages the switch to move the target carrier to the desired position. Releasing the switch decelerates the target carrier to a stop. As with anything that is located downrange, the target system is subject to being damaged from repeated hits or high caliber rounds. The modular design of the RS1000 Target System allows for quick and easy repairs in the event of damage, keeping downtime to a minimum so you can get your lane back up and running.

Key Features
• Provides reliable product performance while maintaining easy operation at an attractive price point
• Economical to operate and maintain, which maximizes efficiency
• Easy to operate toggle control which eliminates user training and reduces manpower time and cost
• Commercial off the shelf replacement parts for minimized down time. Most repairs can be done by the operator
• Optimal transport speed of 6 fps for the right balance of durability and usability
• The carrier and clamp are protected with a 3/8″ AR500 steel plate
• Target carrier runs on a solid I-beam style rail utilizing aircraft cable
Target Carrier
The target carrier is driven by a pulley assembly that uses a high-strength cable and the front ballistic steel shield protects the carrier and target arm from occasional errant rounds. Regular maintenance ensures the drive is capable is properly tensioned and will greatly enhance overall system performance and reliability. Doing this inspection at regular intervals is highly recommended to ensure the system is operating properly.

Drive Unit
The drive unit is mounted behind the shooter position at the firing line. It provides the power supply and gear-motor for the drive pulley. A vented metal cover protects the drive unit from overheating and collecting debris.
Track System
All the components of the track system are standardized to simplify installation. The galvanized steel structural track assembly bolts together in five (5) foot increments and is suspended from the ceiling with track hangers. The track sections overlap to provide a stable and straight track for the target carrier and rubber stop bumpers at each end of the track provide a positive stopping point for the target carrier.


Installation/Technical Service
Although many of our customers install the RS1000 Target System without our assistance, we recommend utilizing Range Systems experienced technicians to provide supervision and technical services. By relying on our services, we not only optimize the efficiency of the installation but our technicians will instruct your range personnel on operation and maintenance procedures. Proper installation and preventative maintenance promotes sustainability and ensures you receive full utilization of your target retrieval system.